Follow Dr Lane Sebring Simple Step Guide To Reduce Stress – Before It Ruins Your Health


Stress is a normal part of life. We all experience stress from time to time, whether it’s from work, family or even something like an unexpected bill. However, if you’re feeling stressed more often than not and it’s affecting your health and happiness, then that’s when you need to take action. Stress can lead to anxiety and depression so it’s important not just for your mental well-being but also for your physical health!

Create Time For Activities That Bring You Joy

It’s important to take time for activities that bring you joy according to Dr Lane Sebring. These can be anything from reading a book, watching a movie or playing with your dog.

The key is finding small pockets of time in your day where you can do something fun without feeling like it’s taking away from other tasks. For example, if you’re on the subway heading home from work and have 20 minutes before dinner prep begins: read something lighthearted or listen to music instead of scrolling through social media feeds (which will only make me more anxious).

Learn To Manage Your Emotions And Express Yourself In Healthy Ways

Dr Lane Sebring Learning to manage your emotions is an important part of reducing stress. If you don’t know how to identify and express your feelings, it can be difficult to understand why you’re feeling stressed or angry.
Learning how to recognize when you’re feeling stressed, angry, sad or anxious will help you learn how best to respond in those situations–and even prevent them from happening in the first place!

Get Enough Sleep Every Night

Sleep is a time to rest and recover from the day. It helps you to be more alert, focused and productive during your waking hours. The exact amount of sleep that’s best for you will vary depending on your age, lifestyle and activity levels, but generally speaking adults need between seven and nine hours each night (for example: 8:30 pm – 5:00 am).